
All of the Enchants in Pet Simulator X

March 12, 2023 125,947 Views

Enchants are a feature that gives special buffs to your pets. Pets naturally come with 1-3 enchantments depending on their rarity and size.

What is RAP in Pet Simulator X?

March 11, 2023 114,704 Views

RAP is an acronym for Recent Auction Price which is the average of the winning bids of a particular pet in Auctions.

Mystery Merchant Guide for Pet Simulator X

March 8, 2023 115,495 Views

The Mystery Merchant is a NPC that appears at random intervals in the Cave biome of the Spawn world. It stays for 10 minutes, and sells 3 powerful pets.

What is the Strongest Pet in Pet Simulator X?

March 7, 2023 145,129 Views

Strong pets are very important to progress quickly. Strength is measured in terms of pet power, which is displayed under the pet's icon in your inventory.

All of the Boosts in Pet Simulator X

March 5, 2023 115,502 Views

Boosts are a feature that gives special bonuses or effects to players when activated. Some boosts have a limited duration, while others are permanent.

Where to Find Comet Crashes in Pet Simulator X?

March 4, 2023 112,066 Views

Comet Crashes are a new in-game event as part of the Comet Update on March 4, 2023.

How to Activate Server Boosts in Pet Simulator X?

March 4, 2023 130,542 Views

Server boosts can be activated in the Server Boost Machine by sacrificing 20 of a regular boost. They are applied to everyone currently in the server.

How to get the High Tech Hoverboard in Pet Simulator X?

March 4, 2023 116,091 Views

The High Tech Hoverboard is one of the fastest hoverboard skins in Pet Simulator X.

Traveling Merchant Guide for Pet Simulator X

March 3, 2023 115,141 Views

The Traveling Merchant is a NPC shop that appears at random intervals in the Spawn world, and in the Trading Plaza.

How to use the Huge Machine in Pet Simulator X?

March 3, 2023 112,742 Views

The Huge Machine is a machine located in the Spawn World and in the Trading Plaza. It gives players the ability to combine Exclusive pets into Huge pets.

All of the Masteries in Pet Simulator X

March 2, 2023 116,082 Views

The Mastery system allows players to level up certain skills by playing. Upon reaching certain level milestones, permanent perks and new areas are unlocked.

How to Enter Hardcore Mode in Pet Simulator X?

Feb 17, 2023 109,102 Views

Hardcore Mode is a special game mode in Pet Simulator X which is a copy of the normal game world with added difficult, new areas, and special perks.

Redeemable Codes for Pet Simulator X

Feb 11, 2023 108,895 Views

Codes are a feature in the game which allows users to enter a code in-game to receive special rewards such as boosts, pets, or Gems.

Where to find the Shiny Relic in Pet Simulator X?

Feb 7, 2023 113,985 Views

Discover the location of the Secret Relic in Pet Simulator X to permanently increase your chance of hatching Shiny pets by 0.2%!